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Model CD
Upper bout: 12"
Waist: 10.25"
Lower bout: 16:
Box length: 20"
Depth at heel: 3.75"
Depth at tail: 4.50"
scale: 25.5
Currently I build three different sizes of acoustic guitars. The CD, my design based on the Small Jumbo. A smaller guitar, the OM/000, is similar to the Auditorium. The GL-00 is a smaller guitar based on the 1930's Gibson L-00.
Model OM/000
Upper bout: 11.25"
Waist: 9.25"
Lower bout: 15:
Box length: 19.50"
Depth at heel: 3.25"
Depth at tail: 3.75"
scale: 25.0
Model GL-00
Upper bout: 10.13"
Waist: 8.37"
Lower bout: 14.75"
Box length: 19.37"
Depth at heel: 3.37"
Depth at tail: 4.12"
scale: 24.78
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